
CAIXA ETF Ibovespa Index Fund

The first index fund administrated by CAIXA​ traded in the Stock Market

about About


Index Fund, also called ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), are funds mirrored in indexes and their shares are traded in the Stock Market as well as any other shares.

Caixa;ETF Ibovespa Index Fund is the first Index Fund administrated by Caixa traded in the Stock Market and aims to reflect the variations and the profitability of the Bovespa Index.

How it works

You invest your money in shares of several different companies at one time. All in a fast, easy and simplified way. To buy shares in the secondary market just access the Caixa​ home broker or the broker dealer of your preference.


The fund is designated to individuals and corporations with account at Caixa.

Fund Expenses

The Administration Fee is 0.50% (zero point fifty percent) per year.

In addition to the administration fee, the following expenses constitute fund charges, and can be directly paid:

  • Federal, state or municipal fees, taxes and contributions that are or may be levied on the assets, rights and obligations of the fund; expenses related to the registration of documents at notary offices, printing, -issuance and publication of reports, forms and periodicals, as set forth in the relevant regulations; -expenses of correspondence in the interest of the fund;

  • Fees and expenses of the independent auditor.

  • Fees and commissions paid for fund transactions.

  • Fees involving counsel, attorneys, court costs in order to defend the fund interests in or out court, including the amount award imposed to the fund.

  • The annual contribution due to the stock market on which the fund has its shares listed for trading.

  • Expenses involving the custody and settlement of securities and its transactions.

  • Expenses involving the foreign exchange closing of permitted transactions or with warrant bond or receipts in the event such assets become part of the Index.

  • Royalties due for the use of index provided they are charged according to the License Agreement with the institution that owns its rights.

  • Any expenses not provided as fund expenses shall be borne by the administrator.

characteristics Characteristics


Company Name: Caixa ETF Ibovespa Index Fund.

ANBIMA Classification: Index Fund.

Target Public: Individuals and corporations.

Investment: Minimum Batch 50.000 shares.

Redemption: Minimum Batch 50.000 shares.

Conversion of the investment share: D0.

Conversion of the redemption share: D0.

Share used: Closing.

Administration FEE: 0,50% yearly.

Fund Administrator: Caixa Econômica Federal.

Fund Manager: Caixa Econômica Federal.

Custodian: Caixa Econômica Federal.

Auditor: KPMG Auditores Independentes.

Market Marker: BTG PACTUAL CORRETORAS DE VALORES MOBILIÁRIOS S.A., Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3.477, 14º - São Paulo – SP

Inception date: NOV 12th, 2012.

Investment Policy: The Fund will seek return compatible with the Bovespa Index before fees and expenses.

Management Objective: The Fund will invest in financial assets and securities, at any proportion, pursuant to the diversification limits and portfolio composition as set forth in the Bylaws.

Following the Benchmark: The fund tracks the performance of the Index Bovespa for full replication of the composition of the index portfolio.

Legislation: CVM Instruction 359/2002 and a Regulations of Income Tax RIR/99.​

More information about the fund

taxation Taxation


Taxation - Subscription with shares
Type of investor Responsible for Collection Income Tax(%)
Individual Shares Transferor 15%
Corporate Nonfinancial Shares Transferor 15%
Corporate Financial Institution (*) (*)
INR 2689 no tax haven Purchaser 15%
INR 2689 tax haven Purchaser 25%

Important Observations
(*) Retention dispensed? RIR/99, Art. 774
Income and gains earned with operations carried out by the Fund's portfolio are not subject to Income Tax.

Taxation - Redemption of shares
Type of investor Responsible for Collection Income Tax (%)
Individual Index Fund Administrator 15%
Corporate Nonfinancial Index Fund Administrator 15%
Corporate Financial Institution (*) (*)
INR 2689 no tax haven Index Fund Administrator 10%
INR 2689 tax haven Index Fund Administrator 15%

Important Observations
(*) Retention dispensed? RIR/99, Art. 774
Income and gains earned with operations carried out by the Fund's portfolio are not subject to Income Tax.

Taxation - Sales of shares on the stock exchange
Type of investor Responsible for Collection Income Tax (%)
Individual Investor 15%
Corporate Nonfinancial Investor 15%
Corporate Financial Institution (*) (*)
INR 2689 no tax haven - 0%
INR 2689 tax haven Legal Representative 15%

Important Observations
(*) Retention dispensed? RIR/99, Art. 774
Income and gains earned with operations carried out by the Fund's portfolio are not subject to Income Tax.
(**) The sale held in the Stock Exchange is subject to the retention of the IRF at a rate of 0.005 %, on the sale value, being dispensed the retention of less than R$1.00. It is understood that the Broker would be responsible for this IRF retention if it receives the order directly from the customer.

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documents Documents

  • Bylaw
    To access the current Bylaws of the fund click here.
  • Agreement for Market Maker
    Service Provision Agreement for Market Maker
  • Authorized Agent Agreement
    Signed agreement for the Fund shares trading by order and account services provision.
  • CVM Instruction no. 359, 22 January 2002
    Introduces provisions on the organization, management and operation of Index Funds having units traded on a stock exchange or organized over-the-counter market.
  • First Amendment to the Index Licensing Agreement
  • Index Licensing Agreement
    License to use the underlying index of the CAIXA ETF Ibovespa Index Fund by BM&FBovespa to CAIXA.
  • Creation/Redemption Order
    Documentation for the creation of shares with assets/redemption order of the fund
  • Regulations of the Income Tax - RIR/99
    Regulates the taxation, auditing, tax collection and administration of the Tax on Income and Earnings of Any Nature
  • Share Loan Policy
    Access the Share Loan Policy of the fund.
  • Share Loan Requisition
    To access the Share Loan Requisition of the fund click here.
  • Material Fact
    Regular General Meeting of Shareholders (07/11/2018) – Fiscal Year March 31st 2018
  • Material Fact
    Regular General Meeting of Shareholders (06/28/2018) – Fiscal Year March 31st 2018
  • Material Fact
    Third Call Notice for Regular General Meeting of Shareholders (07/11/2018) – Fiscal Year March 31st 2018
  • Material Fact
    Second Call Notice for Regular General Meeting of Shareholders (06/28/2018) – Fiscal Year March 31st 2018
  • Material Fact
    Regular General Meeting of Shareholders (06/18/2018) – Fiscal Year March 31st 2018
  • Material Fact
    First Call Notice for Regular General Meeting of Shareholders (06/18/2018) – Fiscal Year March 31st 2018
  • Material Fact
    Material Fact – Accession of the Fund to the arbitration procedure
  • Material Fact
    Regular General Meeting of Shareholders (06/29/2017) – Fiscal Year March 31st 2017
  • Material Fact
    Third Call Notice for Regular General Meeting of Shareholders (06/29/2017) – Fiscal Year March 31st 2017
  • Material Fact
    Regular General Meeting of Shareholders (06/19/2017) – Fiscal Year March 31st 2017
  • Material Fact
    Regular General Meeting of Shareholders – Fiscal Year March 31st 2017
  • Material Fact
    Second call Notice for Regular General Meeting of Shareholders – Fiscal Year March 31st 2017
  • Material Fact
    Call Notice for Regular General Meeting of Shareholders – Fiscal Year March 31st 2017
  • Material Fact
    Material Fact of the XBOV11CAIXA ETF Ibovespa Index Fund, related to event of exclusion of OGX3 of the IBOVESPA
  • Material Fact
    Material Fact XBOV 11 – CAIXA ETF IBOVESPA Index Fund, related to the event of Bylaws amendments and underlying index new methodology (IBOVESPA).
  • Material Fact
    Material Fact – Rescission of Market Maker Services Agreement
  • Material Fact
    Material Fact - Replacement of the market maker
  • Material Fact
    Regular General Meeting of Shareholders Call Notice Regular General Meeting of Shareholders – Fiscal Year Marth 31th 2013
  • Material Fact
    Regular General Meeting of Shareholders Call Notice Regular General Meeting of Shareholders – Fiscal Year Marth 31th 2014.
  • Material Fact
    Call Notice for Regular General Meeting of Shareholders – Fiscal Year March 31st 2015
  • Livreto explicativo sobre as tarifas da Caixa
    Baixe e conheça
risks Risks


Before investing in Caixa​ ETF Ibovespa Index Fund, it is essential that you read the rules of the fund thoroughly and consider the risks carefully.
The fund is exposed to price variation of the shares that make up its portfolio as well as the liquidity risk of its shares on the secondary market and the risk of non-compliance of the profitability of the Fund with the index of reference.

1. Risk of noncompliance of the fund in relation to the Index of reference
The fund has the aim to attain profitability in compliance with the Bovespa Index; however, its profitability may not fully reflect the profitability of the Bovespa Index, since the investments of the FUND are subject to a number of constraints such as:
Fees and expenses owed by the ETF.
Operational Fees, expenses and differences entailed by adjustments of the composition of the ETF portfolio due to changes in the composition of the Index.​
Revenues declared by companies whose shares are in the theoretical portfolio of the Index, but which have not yet been paid or received by the ETF.
Positions in cash or Permitted Investments, while any Share belonging to the Index is not available or whenever the administrator determines that it is in the best interest of the ETF to hold positions in cash or Permitted Investments.
In conditions of low liquidity, in the impossibility of purchasing one or more shares of the Index, the ETF Manager, in its sole discretion, may replace such shares of the Index by Amounts in Cash, limited to 05% (five per cent) of the total value of the Basket.
Operational costs involved to perform the above-mentioned adjustments, if a Share of the Index is not available, which may exceed the expected benefits of such adjustments.
Impossibility in certain market conditions, of the ETF Manager to make use of derivative instruments, such as futures contracts or options on futures contracts that have a market index as their underlying asset, especially with regard to the protection (hedging) of future receivables of the ETF and the investment of the Revenues declared by the Companies during the periods in which such receivables or Revenues have not been paid to the ETF.
If an adherence error occurs, or an error of difference in profitability exceeding the allowed by the bylaws, the administrator has the duty to convene, at its own expense, a general meeting of shareholders, that will comprise explanations, by the administrator, of the reasons that, in its opinion, motivated the adhesion error or the difference in profitability and the deliberation about the possibility of liquidation of the fund or the substitution of the administrator.

2. Liquidity risk of the Fund Shares

There is no guarantee that a minimum volume of trading of the ETF Shares will be maintained, and there's no possibility to foresee the price levels at which the ETF Shares may be negotiated. There is also no guarantee that the ETF Shares have a standard negotiation or price similar of the stocks negotiated in the stock market, issued by funds or by investment companies, in Brazil or in other jurisdictions, or that they have other market indexes as a benchmark, other than the FUND Reference Index. In addition, the ETF Shares can be sold on the secondary market, but are not redeemable in cash. The redemptions will only be made through the delivery of a Basket by ETF to the shareholder that has requested the redemption; the composition of the Basket pursues the rules contained in the ETF's bylaws.

3. Investment risk in variable income

Investment in stocks is considered of high risk due to the high variations in profitability to which this market is prone, and there is also the risk of loss of part of the investment due to a worsening financial and economic situation of the stocks-issuing companies whose shares composes the Fund.

4. Market Risks

ETF shares are subject to fluctuations due to the oscillations in prices and market prices of the assets allocated in its portfolio, and their value, at any time, may be less than that originally paid by the shareholder.

5. Systemic Risk

The prices of the ETF assets may be affected by exogenous reasons, such as moratorium, the partial or total closing of markets, due to any event, changes in monetary policy or in the national and/or international economic scenarios, interference by market regulating agencies, as well as changes in the bylaws and/or regulations applicable to ETFs, including taxation laws. The occurrence of such events can have an impact on the results of the positions taken by ETF, and therefore, in the value of its shares and in its conditions of operation.

6. Risk From the Use of Derivatives

This risk is related to the possibility of the derivative instruments not to produce the desired effects, as well as lead to losses for the shareholders, at the time of the realization or maturity of operations, due to the variation of the cash prices of the assets related to them, expectations of future prices, market liquidity and credit risk of the counterpart. In addition, they may increase the volatility of the ETF and curb or extend the possibilities of profitability. Even though the derivative instruments aim to protect the ETF positions, this protection may not be perfect or sufficient to prevent losses.

7. Credit Risk

The fixed income assets that may compose the portfolio of the Fund are subject to the possibility of their issuers not to meet their payment obligations of the principal and of the corresponding interests on their debts, on the occasion of final and/ or anticipated maturity. Events that affect the financial conditions of the securities issuers or changes in the perception of the quality of the issuers' credits, even that not substantiated, as well as changes in the economic, legal and politic conditions that may impair their ability to pay, may bring significant impacts in the price of securities, compromising also its liquidity.
In addition, the derivative contracts may be subject to the non fulfillment of the counterpart and to the possibility of the guarantor institution to be unable to honor its liquidation.

8. Lack of assurance of the assets and of the investment performance of the Fund

Neither the fund nor the assets of the fund or the performance of the fund is assured, by the administrator, by the Authorized Agents, by the FGC or any other person or entity.

9. Shares may be traded on BM&F Bovespa with premium or discount in relation to their Assets Value

The Asset Value of the ETF is calculated only once in each trading day and reflects the market value of the portfolio of the fund, but the trading price of the ETF shares may be higher or lower than their respective Assets Value over the course of each trading day. It is hoped that the trading price of the ETF shares fluctuates mainly according to the Asset Value of the ETF and to the supply and demand of shares, which will vary on the basis of market conditions and other factors, such as the Brazilian economic situation investor confidence and investor's expectations related to the Brazilian capitals market, but there is no guarantee that this will happen.

10. Minimum Batches for Creation and Redemption of Shares

The creation and redemption of the ETF shares may only be carried out by the administrator through Authorized Agents in Minimum Batches of Shares or full multiples of these. Except in the case of liquidation of the fund, shareholders who do not have enough shares to compose a Minimum Batch may only redeem their shares through their divestiture on the BM&F Bovespa or through the purchase of additional shares to form a Minimum Batch.

11. The FUND shares can only be created or redeemed by Authorized Agents that may not be in sufficient quantity

The Minimum Batch of Shares can only be created and redeemed by a Creation or Redemption Order duly submitted by an Authorized Agent. The administrator signs an Authorized Agent agreement with broker-dealers previously approved, wishing to act as intermediaries of shareholders in the creation and redemption of shares directly with the FUND; on a given moment this number of Authorized Agents may be limited, and they are not obliged to accept instructions from investors to create or redeem shares. In addition, the Authorized Agents may not create or redeem shares whenever (I) prohibited by the administrator to do so; (II) the shares negotiations are restricted or suspended; (III) the payment or the compensation of shares is restricted or suspended by the CBLC; or (iv) the index is not calculated or disclosed by BM&F Bovespa. Therefore, the shareholders may not be able to create or redeem their shares at the moment in which they wish to do so or when it is more favorable, and the shares may present a significant difference between their value of trading and their Asset Values.

12. The shares redemption may not be done by a Basket of Assets exclusively composed of Index Shares or in the same proportion of the Index

Authorized Agents that redeem ETF shares will receive a Basket of Assets composed of at least 95% of Index Shares in any proportion, and at the most 05% of Permitted Investments and/or national currency. In spite of the fact that all the Index Shares are listed at the BM&F Bovespa, there is no guarantee that there will be active negotiation of them, therefore, shareholders who redeem shares may not be able to liquidate the Index Shares delivered upon redemption, nor receive any value by rights on shares or Permitted Investments, as the case may be, that are part of the Basket upon redemption.

13. Both the CVM and BM&F Bovespa may suspend the trading of ETF shares

Both the CVM and BM&F Bovespa may suspend the trading of the ETF shares whenever they deem it appropriate in order to protect investors. In these cases, the investors may not buy or sell ETF shares on the BM&F Bovespa during any period in which the shares negotiation is suspended.
Besides, due to the restrictions imposed on the shares redemption, it is possible that the shareholder, if trading on ETF shares is suspended, may incur financial losses resulting from lower liquidity in his or her investment.

14. The listing of the shares at the BM&F Bovespa may be cancelled

For the shares to be listed at the BM&F Bovespa, their issuers are required to meet several requirements, and if these requirements are not fulfilled, the listing of shares at BM&F Bovespa may be cancelled. There is no guarantee that the FUND will keep the fulfillment of the requirements to maintain the listing of the shares at the BM&F Bovespa.
If the shares list at the BM&F Bovespa is cancelled the administrator may convene a General Meeting of Shareholders to deliberate about the shares listing in another stock exchange market, in an over-the-counter market, or about the liquidation of the fund. If the shares are listed in another stock exchange market or in an over-the-count market, the negotiation of the shares may present a lower liquidity in relation to BM&F Bovespa, presenting a greater difference between their value of trading and their Asset Value.
If the administrator cannot list the Shares of the fund in another stock exchange market or in an over-the-count market, the fund may be liquidated.

15. The BM&F Bovespa may cease to manage or to maintain the Index, which could lead to the ETF liquidation

BM&F Bovespa manages, calculates, discloses and maintains the ETF Index. However, BM&F Bovespa has no obligation to do so and it cannot be guaranteed that BM&F Bovespa will continue to manage, calculate, disclose and maintain this Index during the ETF existence. According to the Fund's Bylaws, if BM&F Bovespa ceases to manage, calculate, disclose or maintain the ETF Index, the administrator shall disclose this fact, in the form of the applicable bylaws, and mandatorily convene a General Meeting of Shareholders to deliberate on a change in the objective of the investments of the fund or, as the case may be, on the ETF liquidation. If the Meeting does not approve the amendment to the objective of investment for the ETF or the ETF liquidation, the admininstrator is authorized to immediately promote the ETF liquidation, as provided in the Fund's Bylaws, which may adversely affect the Asset Value of the ETF and its shares.

16. License for the use of the names and brands of BM&F Bovespa and of the Index may be cancelled

BM&F Bovespa and ETF administrator sign a License Agreement to Use of the Brand by which BM&F Bovespa grants the Administrator a license for the use of the trademarks "BM&F Bovespa" and "Index", owned by BM&F Bovespa. The License Agreement may be terminated or cancelled in various hypotheses defined therein or it may not be extended. In this case, the administrator shall convene a General Meeting of Shareholders to determine how to address the impact of this event on the ETF under the terms set out in the Bylaws.

17. Risk of errors, failures, delays in the provision or availability of the Index

Errors, failures and delays may occur in the provision or availability of the Index. Neither the administrator nor any other ETF service provider works in the calculation, provision or availability of the Index, nor have the means to prevent the occurrence of these events and, therefore, none of them have any obligation or responsibility regarding such events. In terms of the License Agreement, BM&F Bovespa is expressly exempted of any responsibility for errors or delays in providing or making the Index available or of any decisions made based on it.

18. Liquidity Risk of Fund Assets
The assets that comprise the FUND's portfolio are subject to the liquidity risk of the markets in which they are traded and, although all the index stocks are listed on the BMF& Bovespa, it is impossible to guarantee that there will be active trading in them. Thus, it is possible that investors who redeem their Fund shares may not be able to trade and settle the index stocks delivered for redemption purposes, nor receive any sum for Stock Rights or Permitted Investments, as applicable, that comprise the redemption basket.

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WP_T017 ‭[10]‬

glossary Glossary


​To learn more about the financial and capital markets, especially Index Funds, click here to access the Glossary, containing financial terms and definitions that may help you to clarify any eventual doubts.

WP_T017 ‭[5]‬

authorized-agent Authorized Agent

Authorized Agent


Full Address: Avenida das Américas, 3500, 4º andar, Sls 401/406, Bloco Londres, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Contact: Helena Procópio

Phone: (11) 3339-7030



Company Name: Bradesco S.A. Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários

Full Address: Avenida Paulista 1450, 7th Floor, Bela Vista - São Paulo - SP

Contact: Orlando Augusto Cardoso

Phone: (11) 3556-3001




Full Address: Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3.477, 14º andar, São Paulo - SP<

Contact: Departamento Jurídico / Apoio SB

Phone: (11) 3383-2000


ol-juridico@btgpactual.com /


Company Name: Coinvalores CCVM LTDA

Full Address: Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1461

- 10th Floor- Torre Sul - CEP: 01452-921- Pinheiros - São Paulo - SP

Contact: Cristiano Batista Ribeiro

Phone: (11) 3035-4162




Full Address: Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3500, 3th Floor - São Paulo - SP

Contact: Eduardo Borro

Phone: (11) 3073-3300




Full Address: Alameda Santos, 1940 - 12th floor- CEP 01418-102, São Paulo - SP
Contact: Waldir Antonio Muniz
Phone: (11) 3513-8244



Company Name: Terra Investimentos Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários LTDA.

Full Address: Rua Tenente Negrão, 140 – 11° Andar, Itaim Bibi – CEP 04530-030, São Paulo - SP

Contact: Elias Matheus

Phone: (11) 3165-6048

E-mail: backoffice.bovespa@terrainvestimentos.com.br


Full Address: Av. das Américas, 3434, Bl. 7 - 2nd floor – Barra da Tijuca – Rio De Janeiro - RJ

Contact: Mariana Meyer

Phone: (21) 3265-3782

E-mail: mariana.meyer@xpi.com.br

To access the signed agreement between the Fund and the Authorized Agent click here.

WP_T017 ‭[9]‬

policies Policies


Distribution Policy of the fund´s results

Any dividends or bonuses paid or distributed by issuers of stocks comprising the portfolio of the FUND shall be incorporated into its Assets.

Methodology for the calculation of the underlying index

The Bovespa Index is the most important indicator of the average performance of quotations of the Brazilian stock market. Its importance arises from the fact the IBovespa pictures the behavior of the main papers traded at BOVESPA and also from its tradition, because the Index was implemented in 1968. (Source: BMFBovespa)

To access the Index Methodology click here and to access the Definitions and Procedures BMFBOVESPA Indexes Manual click here.

Shares Loan

The FUND may conduct shares loan operations in the form regulated by CVM and as provided by its Bylaws.

The loan operations of shares carried out by the FUND shall have a given term and all the borrowed shares must be returned to the FUND at their maturity.

If the shareholders of the FUND wish to pursue their voting rights directly in general meetings of the companies integrating the portfolio of the FUND, with the right to vote at the time of their request, they may ask for the loan of shares of those companies held by the FUND, free of any compensation or payment of fee to the FUND.

The application of loan by the shareholder can only be made after the convening of the general meeting of the respective company, and such request must be communicated to the ADMINISTRATOR, through one of the Authorized Agents, with at least 05 (five) and most 06 (six) working days prior to the respective general meeting of shareholders.

The shares taken in this mode will be delivered to the shareholders in 03 (three) working days after the date of such request.

The shareholders who request loan operations in this mode shall bear any costs on such operations, such as, but not limited to, fees charged by the BMFBovespa, and the ADMINISTRATOR may require further reimbursement to the FUND for any costs borne by the FUND regarding securities loan operations.

In addition to taking the necessary steps to foreclosure the shares pledged in the form of these Bylaws, the FUND will charge the shareholders that do not comply with the deadline for returning the shares specified above, the same rates typically charged by the FUND in loan operations of shares realized in the market, or if there is no market for this type of operation, the average tax obtained from three financial institutions chosen by the ADMINISTRATOR.

WP_T017 ‭[8]‬

reports Reports


WP_T017 ‭[12]‬

investorregister Investor Register

Investor Register

If you want to receive information on the CAIXA ETF Fund Ibovespa Index send an e-mail to supot01@caixa.gov.br with the data below:




WP_T017 ‭[7]‬

expenses Shares' Creation, Redemption and Expenses

Shares' Creation, Redemption and Expenses

Creation and redemption of shares of the fundo

The shares of the FUND shall be created and redeemed in Minimum Batches of Shares or in multiples of Minimum Batches of Shares.

The Minimum Batch of Shares is composed by 50,000 (fifty thousand) shares, or any other number that the ADMINISTRATOR may determine, at any time, and will be disclosed to the market before the opening of the trading of the shares of the FUND.

The Minimum Batch of Shares can only be created and redeemed with a Creation or Redemption Order duly submitted by an Authorized Agent and through the delivery of a Basket to the FUND. The shares of the FUND can only be created or redeemed by Authorized Agents.

Creation and Redemption Orders will be received and processed by the ADMINISTRATOR only in working days up to 10 (ten) minutes before the closing of the Bovespa trading sessions.

Other information can be found in the Funds Bylaws.

Fund Expenses

The Administration Fee is 0.50% (zero point fifty percent) per year.

In addition to the administration fee, the following expenses constitute FUND charges, and can be directly paid:

  • federal, state or municipal fees, taxes and contributions that are or may be levied on the assets, rights and obligations of the FUND;expenses related to the registration of documents at notary offices, printing, issuance and publication of reports, forms and periodicals, as set forth in the relevant regulations; expenses of correspondence in the interest of the FUND;
  • Fees and expenses of the independent auditor.
  • Fees and commissions paid for FUND transactions.
  • fees involving counsel, attorneys, court costs in order to defend the FUND interests in or out court, including the amount award imposed to the FUND.
  • The annual contribution due to the stock market on which the FUND has its shares listed for trading.
  • Expenses involving the custody and settlement of securities and its transactions.
  • expenses involving the foreign exchange closing of permitted transactions or with warrant bond or receipts in the event such assets become part of the Index.
  • Royalties due for the use of INDEX provided they are charged according to the License Agreement with the institution that owns its rights.

Any expenses not provided as FUND expenses shall be borne by the ADMINISTRATOR.


WP_T017 ‭[6]‬

learnmore Learn more

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Responsibilities of the administrator

CAIXA main responsibilities - CAIXA ETF Ibovespa Index Fund Administrator :

Practice all the acts necessary for the administration of the portfolio of the FUND, as well as to exercise all the rights inherent to the assets that it comprises, including the hiring of third parties duly qualified to provide services related to the activities of the FUND, as well as the exercise of the right to vote by the Fund in General Meetings of the companies whose shares integrate the portfolio of the FUND.

Check and communicate, in order to carry out the applicable procedures, the shareholder that holds more than 49% of the total shares of the Fund, except in the cases specified in I CVM 359 and in the Bylaws of the Fund.

Disclose widely and immediately, any relevant act or fact inherent to the operations of the FUND, or to the ability of the Administrator to perform its functions, which might cause significant impact on the ability of the Fund to achieve its objective, through the home page of the Fund in the worldwide network of computers, addresses of electronic mail registered on the page of the Fund, and through the system of information disclosure of BMFBOVESPA.

Maintain the fund address in the worldwide network of computers containing the information provided for in applicable bylaws, and to ensure that the information is disclosed in a continuous and updated way, and that the address of the fund in the worldwide network of computers has a technical capacity of simultaneous access compatible with the number of the fund shareholders.

Communicate daily, to BMFBOVESPA, the asset value of the share, the composition of the funds portfolio and the value of its net asset.

Take the appropriate measures to make free loan of shares to the shareholder, free of a loan charge, of the number of shares required to the exercise of the right to vote, promoting the transfer of such shares with the entity responsible for its custody, upon deposit of shares of the FUND, and also disclose a list with the identification and the number of shares of the Fund that are not available for loan.

Convene regular general meetings annually, until the 30th of June of each year and extraordinary in the terms of the current legislation and the Bylaws. Refer to the CVM the information related to CAIXA ETF Ibovespa Index Fund and the documentations of the Fund according to CVM Instruction no. 359. Make available to interested parties, upon request, the financial statements of the Fund within 60 (sixty) days after the closure of the fiscal year.

Shareholders right

Main Rights of Shareholders:

Vote in companies

Right to vote in the meeting of the publicly held companies. When investing in CAIXA ETF Ibovespa Index Fund the shareholder may have the right to vote the same way as if he were investing directly in shares that compose the portfolio of the Fund.

To exercise their right to vote at general meetings of shareholders of the companies that make part of the reference index and that integrate the composition of the portfolio of the fund, the shareholder may loan a number of shares proportional to the number of shares held by such shareholder. It is also important that the shareholder to meet the bylaws and procedures of the CVM, BMFBOVESPA and those brought in from the Bylaws and Funds website.

Voting in general meetings of fund shareholders

The Shareholders of CAIXA ETF Ibovespa Index Fund have voting rights in the meetings of the Fund, with each share offering the right to one vote at the meetings.

The calls for General Meeting of Shareholders are carried out with at least ten days in advance of the date established for its achievement, through notice sent to the BMFBOVESPA and disclosed on this page, containing, mandatorily, day, hour and place in which the meeting will be held, the order of the day with the subjects to be treated, as well as the detailing on the specific proposals of amendments in the bylaws of the fund, if any.


Although there is no guarantee or mechanism to secure profitability to CAIXA ETF Ibovespa Index Fund, which is subject to all the inherent risks associated with investments in equities, the shareholders of the Fund have the right to be informed about the performance of the Fund, especially in cases of the convening of the General Meeting of Shareholders, opportunity in which the performance of the fund can be questioned.

The questioning can be made, especially in case of the calling of a specific meeting for this purpose, which will be convened by CAIXA in the event of the occurrence of some events in which technically, following the dispositions of the applicable bylaws, the Fund is not complying with the minimum standards of adhesion to the variation of its benchmark- IBOVESPA.


The Shareholders of CAIXA ETF Ibovespa Index Fund have the right to negotiate their shares in the secondary market. The secondary market of shares of the Fund is the BMFBOVESPA, segment BOVESPA. The negotiations can be carried out in trading days, the same way as occurs with any stock negotiated there. Shareholders may also, if they wish, request the redemption of their shares, according to the Bylaws of the Fund.

The market values of the shares of the Fund are listed on the BMFBOVESPA, and the investor can access them at any time.


The Shareholders of CAIXA ETF Ibovespa Index Fund will receive the same information regarding their positions that shareholders at the BMFBOVESPA.


Caixa operates in the administration and management of third parties assets since 1991.

In 1998, to comply with regulations of the National Monetary Council - Resolutions no. 2451 from 27/11/1997, and no. 2486 from 30/04/1998 the Third-Parties Assets Board of Directors was created, implanting the Chinese Wall and segregating the activities of the management and administration of third party assets from other activities of the institution.

Since then the organizational structure has been adapted to the constant changes in the market. In 2002 the VIART- Vice-Chair for the Administration and Management of Third-Parties Assets was created.

VIART is responsible for the development of products intended for both retail and institutional investors.

Currently CAIXA has a portfolio of investment funds well diverse, and it is placed among the four largest institutions which administrates third parties assets in Brazil.

With vast experience in the management of third parties assets, CAIXA obtained in 2006 the rating MQ-1 assigned by Moodys Investor Service, the maximum rating of the category, denoting the excellence of management achieved by the institution.

Committed to provide the best services to the investors, CAIXA counts on a team of competent professionals always ready to offer the best alternatives of investment in funds.


Vice-Chair for the Administration and Management of Third-Parties Assets.

Avenida Paulista no. 2300 11th Floor

São Paulo-SP

CEP 01310-300

Toll-free-line for Share holders 0800 726-0101 (Portuguese only)

Toll-free-line for Hearing-Impaired People 0800 726-2492 (Portuguese only)


More information

WP_T017 ‭[11]‬

shareholderservice Shareholder Service

Shareholder Service

  1. At the ADMINISTRATOR Branches and Authorized Agents offices;
  2. Call Center for Shareholders (0800 726-0101) and Call Center for People with Hearing Disabilities (0800 726-2492).
  3. Sending an e-mail to the ADMINISTRATOR: supot01@caixa.gov.br
  4. CAIXA Internal Affairs: 0800-725-7474











ANBIMA - This institution has joined the ANBIMA Code of Registration and Best Practices for the Investment Funds.


Permission for the sale and trading of units of this fund does not entail any assurance of the part of CVM that any information provided is true or that the fund bylaws conform with prevailing regulations or any judgment as to the quality of the fund or its manager.

Click here to enter the CVM website and confirm that it is a registered fund.

CVM Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil


CVM Website http://www.cvm.gov.br/information to investors by toll-free-line 0800-7225354, working days, from 8h to 20h.

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